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More then fifty ships have wrecked along this stretch of Lake Michigan. These buildings housed the men of the United States Life Saving Service who guarded this hazardous shore. Equipped with line throwing cannons and rowing life boats, they stood…
The "Empire Methodist Church" - built in 1895. The Empire Area Methodists gathered here for services, Sunday school, weddings and funerals till their new church was built in 1963. It is now the Masonic Temple. (Marker Number 16.)
Without departed glaciers the dunes would not be here. Melting continental ice left this ridge of sand and gravel. Steady winds off Lake Michigan have plucked at the sand grains, propelling them inland, depositing a veneer of dunes on top of the g…
Pierce Stocking, a native of northern Lower Michigan, worked as a lumberman and spent much of his leisure time in the woods. He wanted to share his love of nature with others and conceived the idea of constructing a scenic drive onto the Sleeping …
In 1985, this wooden beam was placed here at the edge of the sand dune to measure dune movement. The numbers on the beam show how many feet the dune has advanced. Try to figure out the average rate pf movement per year.
The dune here rises to a h…
This Veterans Memorial is dedicated to all who honorably served in the defense of our great nation, living or deceased, in peace or war, resident or nonresident. We pay special tribute to those who made the supreme sacrifice for America.
The first white settlement in Cleveland Township was established on this site Nov. 1, 1855, and was called North Unity. The Shaldas, Krubners, and Svobodas, were among the early settlers. Agnes Krubner Svoboda, in whose memory this plaque is place…
This plaque is issued by the
Historical Society of Michigan
in recognition of
Founded in 1876
For more than 100 years of
continuous operation in service
to the people of Michigan
and for contribution to the
economic growth and v…
St. Wenceslaus Church and Cemetery
In the 1860s and 1870s settlers from Bohemia (now part of Czechoslovakia) came to this area and worked at the Leland Lake Superior Iron Foundry and the Gill sawmill. Catholics attended mass at the Holy Trinity C…
Grand Traverse Lighthouse Built in 1858