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Truss Structures
KingpostThe kingpost was the first and simplest truss structure used in America. Its basic idea consists of a center post, the kingpost, with compression beams slanting downward and outward toward each shore. The original kingp…
Though its present setting suggests otherwise, this bridge was part of "Route 8," the first transcontinental highway in the United States and the primary east-west artery in Linn County. Prior to that designation, "Route 8" played an important par…
has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
This propertyis listed in theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Donor of this 50 acresof land to Linn Countyfor permanent seat of justice
Dedicated to those men and womenof this community who servedour country in times of peaceand war and especially to thosewho gave their livesin that service
World War I · World War IIKorea · Vietnam
In memory of those from the Brookfield area who gave their lives in freedom's cause this memorial is hereby dedicated
[Roll of Honored Dead]
[Title is text]
Relocated from theMagic Kingdom of Disneylandas a gift to thechildren of this communityfrom Marceline's favorite sonsWalt and Roy DisneyAccepted in appreciationJuly 1966 · Mayor C. A. Young
Constructed in 1906, the building was brand new when Roy Disney remembered the entire family eating out at the Allen Hotel dining room. Roy didn't remember what he had to eat, but he did remember that his little sister, Ruth, spilled the plate of …