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Erected by the
Citizens of Mackinac County
in honor of our
Soldiers and Sailors
and in appreciation of their
sacrifice and service in the
World War
"Cass Cliff"
Named by the
Michigan Historical Commission
Mackinac Island State Park Commission
In honor of
Lewis Cass
Teacher - Lawyer - Exporer
Soldier - Diplomat - Statesman
Born October 9th, 1782
From 1923 to 1970, William C. Greany, "the Major," was scoutmaster of the Detroit Area Council Troop 194.
In 1983 he was appointed Special Eagle Scout Administrator of Mackinac Island Scout Service Camp and for thirty years played a sig…
Nicolet Watch Tower
In Honor of
John Nicolet
Who in 1634 passed through the Straits of Mackinac in a birch-bark canoe and
was the first white man to enter Michigan and the Old Northwest
Erected on behalf of the
State of Michig…
Scout Barracks
In 1929, Park Commissioner Roger Andrews invited eight Eagle Scouts, including future President Gerald Ford, to serve as the "Governor's Honor Guard" and tour guides at Fort Mackinac.
Scouts raised and lowered th…
The Post Cemetery is the final resting place for Fort Mackinac soldiers, their families and local officials.
Although the origin of the cemetery is lost in history, local lore from the nineteenth century suggests that both American and British Wa…
Opened on July 10, 1887, the Grand Hotel was built by the Grand Rapids & Indiana and the Michigan Central railroads and the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company through the efforts of Sen. Francis B. Stockbridge.
It is built of Michigan white …
On September 6, 1943, Michigan's Republican United States Senator, Arthur H. Vandenberg, chaired the meeting of the Post War Advisory Council.
Republican National Committee Chairman, Harrison Spangler, created the council to draw up a foreign po…
Constructed for Charles O'Malley about 1852, this building was one of the first summer hotels on Mackinac Island.
Captain Henry Van Allen, a Great Lakes Skipper, purchased the hotel in 1865.
He later moved it from the beach to its present locati…
When the Mackinac Bridge was constructed, a bell was placed at the base of each tower to guide approaching vessels during poor visibility. In March of 1961, a fog horn was installed. The bells have been silent ever since. On April 24, 2002, the So…