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Dedicated to You, A Free Citizen in a Free Land. Oregon's Liberty Bell Replica. This reproduction of the Liberty Bell was presented to the people of Oregon by direction of The Honorable John W. Snyder Secretary of the Treasury As the inspirati…
In Honor Of
Madame Marie Dorion
Courageous Pioneer
Devoted Ioway Mother
Early Oregon Settler
At this her final resting place
September 6, 1850
Born about 1786 - Died 1850
Symbolic of Faith, Loyalty and Leadership
Indian Guide for Wilson Price Hunt Party
Mother of First White Child
Born in the Oregon Territory - 1811
This area, once named tchampuick, the 'place of yampah' was the traditional homeland of the Tualatin Kalapuya tribe. Fur trappers first arrived here by canoe in 1811, and they found lush open prairies bordering the Willamette River. In 1830, Frenc…
Willamette Post was established in December 1813 on a knoll just east of this location by employees of the North West Company, a Montreal based fur-trading company. During the ensuing years the two-room log cabin, also known as Fort Kalapuya, serv…
Used as a general store. Wm. Keil and Company catered to the trade of some of the mid-valley's best known pioneers by cash or barter.
Jonas Will and Andrew Snyder, children of Aurora Colony members, established this then modern mercantile store. Jonas had been an Aurora merchant since 1888. The families ran this business until the 1940's.
Dr. Wilhelm Keil founded here a Christian co-operative colony patterned after his colony at Bethel, Missouri. Musicians of the settlement made it widely famous. After Dr. Keil's death in 1877 the communal enterprise was dissolved.
This is the only surviving building from the original Aurora Pioneer Hotel complex.
In 1867, Willamette University founded the first medical school in the Pacific Northwest - the third such college west of St. Louis.
This college was maintained in Salem from 1867 until 1913 except for the period 1878 to 1895 during which it was …