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The National Register
South CarolinaDepartment of Archivesand HistoryMcCormickTrain Station
of Historic Places
[Front]:The town of New Bordeaux, the last of seven French Huguenot colonies founded in colonial S.C. and the only one in the upcountry, was established 1 mi. E in 1764. After Protestants fleeing religious persecution in France petitioned the Brit…
Thurmond Dam and LakeA Magnificent Recreation and Energy ResourceJ. Strom Thurmond Dam and Lake offers a variety of recreational activities. You may enjoy boating, swimming and fishing on Thurmond Lake, the largest U.S. Army Corps of Engineers man…
Constructed between 1946-1954, Thurmond Dam is the first hydropower project to be built on the Savannah River. Behind it lies one of the largest Corps of Engineer lakes east of the Mississippi.
The Thurmond Dam powerhouse contains seven power u…
The Guillebeau Housewas built in circa 1770in the Huguenot settlementof New Bordeaux. It wasrelocated to its presentsite in 1983.
Edmunds Family History1710-1961Burial Ground 1.3 Miles S.E. —?Officers:Will Tom Edmunds, PresJoe F. Edmunds, Vice PresidentRobert J. Edmunds, Sec & Treas.Mary Edmunds, Historian
The first record is of John Edmunds, born 1710 Virginia. Wil…
Baker Creek State Park is managed as a Regional Park property because this core constituency is from the local region. Located in the heart of Sumter National Forest near McCormick, South Carolina, on the shores of Strom Thurmond Lake, this 1,305-…
Established in 1987 through the cooperative efforts of John de la Howe School and Clemson University with support from Governor Carroll A. Campbell, Jr., and the South Carolina General Assembly to provide free enterprise experiences in a therapeut…
The establishment of John de la Howe School, the second oldest institution in the Carolinas, is one of the first examples of individual philanthropy that is found in the history of child-caring institution in the United States. The purpose of Dr. …
Less than a mile from this point, close to the Georgia shoreline of Lake Thurmond, lays the remains of Fort Charlotte now 50 feet under water. Named after the wife of King George III, Fort Charlotte was a British fort built in 1766. It was located…