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The realization of a grand vision to restorethe natural beauty of our city's most historicand important landmark
Falls Park is the city's historic birthplace. The almost mystical allure of the falls has always been a powerful influence. Sioux Fal…
In the 1880s, wheat was among the major crops grown locally, and the need to process the grain locally arose. In 1877, the Cascade Mill purchased water rights and five acres of land on the east side of the Big Sioux River, north of Eighth Street, …
Urban renewal was a movement that provided for the development of aging and underutilized city neighborhoods. During the 1960s, light industry and warehouses had begun to move out of downtown Sioux Falls. The area near Seventh Street and the Big S…
National RegisterofHistoric Places
Constructed in 1899 (with an addition in 1909) by Jewett Bros. to house their wholesale food business, this building was placed on the National Register in 1983 as part of the Old Courthouse and Warehouse Histor…
Floods have been common along the Big Sioux River for hundreds of years. The combination of flat land, heavy snows, and spring rains can be disastrous. One of the most devastating floods occurred in 1881. The winter had been particularly harsh, be…
1.2 billion years ago intense heat and pressure transformed pure quartz sandstone into quartzite rock. The sandstone originated from sand deposited on the floor of an ancient ocean. Later, as glaciers moved across the area, large portions of the q…
The Great Dakota Land Boom took place from the late 1870s through the 1880s. This influx of settlers was driven largely by rapid railroad expansion. In 1878, the first rail service arrived in Sioux Falls and by 1888 it had five lines. The populati…
In 1902, the Manchester Biscuit Company came to Sioux Falls and built a two-story quartzite building on East Sixth Street. By 1909, the building had expanded to include a third floor and a three-story addition was added to the south. In 1915, the …
Manchester Biscuit Company was well known for its Big Sioux Biscuits and other treats, which it continued making until 1961 when the plant in Sioux Falls closed. That same year, Raven Industries purchased the building. Raven Industries was formed …
Andrew Kuehn built this quartzite building in 1903 for a wholesale grocery distribution center and warehouse. A German, Kuehn came alone to America at age 15 in 1870. After working his way across the midwest, he settled in Sioux Falls in 1900 wher…