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( Upper Plaque )This Property has been placed on the National RegisterOf Historic PlacesBy the United StatesDepartment Of The Interior ( Lower Plaque ) City of Rockville18381926Historic Property
To commemorate the encampment in Maryland of Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock and his men at Owen's Ordinary, now Rockville, April 20, 1755. This stone is placed by the Janet Montgomery Chapter, Daughters of he American Revolution, Mrs. Morris L. Croxall…
In 1900, Frederick Allnutt purchased the 1855 Darby House and 1½ acres of land from Wilson Tschiffely, who had recently acquired the property along with the nearby mill. Allnutt, who had been running a store next to the canal for several year…
John Garrett laid out a town called Newport here in 1797 and gave away lots as prizes in a lottery, but a town did not actually appear until after 1830, when the C&O Canal was completed from Georgetown to Seneca Creek. The town was called Seneca. …
On June 24, 1863, Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, leaving 3,000 cavalrymen in Rectortown, Virginia, to monitor Federal activity, led three Confederate cavalry brigades to Haymarket. Encountering Union Gen. Winfield S. Hancock's corps marching north, Stuart se…
Canal engineers build aqueducts to bridge canal boats over rivers and large stream such as Seneca Creek. Eleven aqueducts were needed between here and the canal's western terminus at Cumberland, Maryland; all required skilled quarrymen and stonema…
In 1955 scientists Bernard Burke and Kenneth Franklin from the Carnegie Institution of Washington accidentally discovered naturally-generated radio waves from Jupiter using a 96-acre antenna array. The discovery led to greater understanding of pla…
Before you is the last operating ferry on the Potomac River. Early settlers recognized these relatively still waters would provide an ideal location for a ferry. The first known ferry operation here was Conrad's Ferry in 1817. After the Civil War,…
This house was built on a 13.5-acre lot on the outskirts of Rockville in 1842. A stone marking the southwest corner of the original 1803 Rockville Plan is between this house and the adjacent Rockville Academy grounds. Matilda Holland, widow of Mon…
After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north throug…
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