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Missouri achieved statehood in 1821 as a result of the famous "Missouri Compromise." It was decreed that Missouri be admitted as a slave state, but thereafter no state north of the 36? 30' North latitude in the Louisiana Territory would be permitt…
You are standing on the site of the Danville Female Academy, and at your front is the sole surviving building of the Academy, the chapel and dormitory.
The Female Academy was founded in 1853 by the Reverend James H. Robinson at a time when Danv…
Dedicated toall men and women who haveor will serve their countryin the Armed Forces of theUnited States of America.
Our country was founded byfree men believing in thefatherhood of God and thebrotherhood of men and weare committed to keep it"T…
In memory of those fromMontgomery County who diedin military service duringAmerica's wars
[Honor Roll of Names]
They shall grow not old,As we that are left grow old;Age shall not weary them,Nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sunA…
Marked by theDaughters of theAmerican Revolutionand theState of Missouri1913