Historical Marker Search

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Site of Stone Marking the Northernmost Point of the Transit Surveyed by Joseph Ellicott c. 1800 for the Holland Land Company.
Founded 1830 First known as Halstead Cemetery for Charles Halstead. Cemetery Association formed 1874 Chairman Thomas Simmons and Secretary Levi Brookins
Asa Randall 1788- 1858, Mary W. Randall 1787-1847, Asa Randall Jr. 1823-1847, Tim Bachelder 1788-1834, George T. Parker 1824-1904, Erminda Parker 1825-1906, Marion W. Parker 1850-1850, Miron W. Morton 1832-1835.
The Ransom Family, after whom Ransomville was named, in mercantile trade since 1830.
Enclosed in buttonwood log, hollowed by Indians was used to preserve fish and game. Located half mile west on Fish Creek.
An old Indian trail used by travelers to Fort Niagara, widened for wagon use about 1800, later a stage route from Batavia to Niagara.
1984 Summer Olympic Games. Team Gold - Individual Silver Equestrian Team Jumping. Owners: Terry & Sue Williams.
This was the site of Jackson's Mill. Foote's Mill operated on Academy Street. Both mills were critical to agri-business and the community and destroyed by fire.
1825 McCracken's log cabin. 1837 Frederick's house. 1856-1900 Two-Rooms academy. Rural #6 1900-1939 Route 93. W.H.Stevenson Cornerstone 1939.
What's the attraction? The shelter and beauty of Tuscarara Bay has attracted settlers, merchants, and vacationers since the early 1800s. The focus of the attraction has changed over time, and so has the very shape of the bay, but Wilson Harbor con…
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