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In a park three miles north and one mile west is the exact geographic center of the 48 contiguous states. The location has been officially established by the U.S. Geological Survey. It is the point where a plane map of the 48 states would balance …
On this site circa 1873Dr. Brewster M. Higleywrote the words to"Home on the Range"Adopted as officialState Song of KansasJune 30, 1947——————In 1873 Dr. Brewster Higley wrote the words, Dan Kelley supplied the mu…
Looking to the northwest, south of the white house, behind the trees you will find the cabin home of Dr. Brewster Higley. The cabin was built by Dr. Higley and friends on July 4, 1872. Dr. Higley is best known as the author of the song "Home on th…
In a park three miles north and one mile west is the exact geographic center of the 48 contiguous states. The location has been officially established by the U.S. Geological Survey. It is the point where a plane map of the 48 states would balance …
Located by L.T. Hagadorn ofPaulette & Wilson - Engineers andL.A. Beardslee - County Engineer.From data furnished byU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Dedicated April 25, 1940