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Early in April 1865, Union Gen. George Stoneman cavalry moved from Tennessee into Virginia and then south through Danbury to destroy railroad track, warehouses, and supplies that supported Gen. Robert E. Lee Army of Northern Virginia. Stoneman led…
In the past, the lower ridge you see before you without rock outcrops was a continuation of Hanging Rock ridge, which lies to your left. This ridge was once capped with the same quartzite rock outcrops that form Hanging Rock itself. The ridge give…
Look! Up in the air! It not Superman, but one of Hanging Rock high flyers. Chances are if you look carefully, you can spot a black bird flying high above. It could be a raven, a crow, or a vulture.
American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) have fan-…
Hanging Rock State Park is located in the Sauratown Mountains, named for the Saura, a Native American tribe. Although the Blue Ridge Mountains are within sight of the Sauratown Mountains, they are two distinct and separate mountain ranges. Thus, t…
After the frenzy of activity in the spring and before the rushed preparations for winter, the residents of Hanging Rock use the summer to eat and raise their young. The summer forest becomes a big food factory. Chlorophyll uses the sun energy from…
A village of the Saura Indians, abandoned by that tribe in the early 18th century, was on Dan River, two mi. S.
Officer in the War of 1812. Mortally wounded in Canada, 1814. Forsyth County named for him. Home stood a few feet north of this spot.
Erected in 1888, this building has served as the law office of attorney Amos M. Stack, who was elected Superior Court Judge in 1922, and his partner, attorney Thomas W. Bigkett, who was governor of North Carolina 1917 - 1921; for attorney John D. …
Attempted ca. 1820-25 by Hiram Jennings for Yadkin Navigation Co. Hamilton Fulton was consultant. Never completed. Ruins located 5 miles S.W.
Governor of Alabama,1829-1831. Served inU.S. House and Senate.Official of Mississippiand Alabama Territories.Born near here, 1785.