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For centuries, the prominent cerro, or steep hill, of Tom? was a significant landmark for travelers along the Camino Real. Settled as early as 1650, this area was abandoned following the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 and remained uninhabited until the Tom…
This community traces its beginnings to the hacienda established by Captain Francisco Valencia along this section of the Camino Real by the mid-17th century. Abandoned during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, the area was resettled in 1740 by Christian I…
Also known as the Luna-Otero home, it was built for Don Antonio Jose Luna by the Santa Fe Railroad in 1880 in return for a right of way through the family hacienda. Numerous trips through the south inspired the design and style of architecture, al…
One of the last skirmishes of the Civil War in New Mexico took place here on April 15, 1862. The Sibley Brigade, retreating to Texas, camped at the hacienda of Governor Henry Connelly, a few miles from Peralta.Here the Confederates were routed by …