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First successful automobile
built here by
John W. Lambert
in 1891
Built at this site.
First successful automobile
built here by
John W. Lambert
in 1891.
Site of the first
automobile wreck.
An Altar of Peace
In memory of and in tribute to
the members of this community
who so nobly served our nation
in her several wars
May God grant
that their service and devotion
shall not have been in vain
and that the liberty of mankind
[right stele]
These served in
Former Wars
War of 1812
(2 names)
Civil War
(29 names)
Spanish American War
(3 names)
[left stele]
Those who served in World War I
(47 names)
[far left stele]
Those who served our country
in peacetime
(68 names)
Persian Gulf
(2 names)
[far right stele]
Those who served during
the conflicts in
(55 names)
Viet Nam
(56 names)
The howitzer was used by the
U.S. Army during WW II. It was
issued to Airborne Units and
Cannon Companies of Infantry
Regiments. Range 7 miles.
Site of Indian Reservation granted to John Bapt. Richardville
Chief Miami Nation
By St. Marys Treaty of October 6th 1818
1200 Acres
One of Ohio's greatest manhunts ended here on the morning of July 23, 1948. Robert M. Daniels and John C. West, parolees from the state prison in Mansfield, had gone on a killing spree that left six people dead. Driving west on U.S. Route 224 in a…
"The Man Who Named Convoy, Ohio"
Robert Nesbitt was born in Convoy of Donegal Ireland in December of 1810. Nesbitt emigrated to the United States and moved to Van Wert County in the late 1830's. In 1939, Nesbit(t) purchased 120 acres in Tully T…
(Side One)Here Lies Robert NesbittThis is the grave site of Robert Nesbitt, an immigrant from Convoy, Ireland who named Convoy, Ohio after his home town. In 2010, the Convoy Community Foundation, Convoy Lions Club, Convoy Business Association, and…