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[Side A]Bluestem in the Flint Hills"Texas shipped up the horns," Kansas cowmen used to say, "and we put the bodies under them." They meant that bony steers from Texas grew fat in the Bluestem pastures of Kansas. Stockmen drove their herds here alo…
Dedicated to the heroic defenders of American liberty and in cherished memory of those who rest forever in foreign lands
[Dedicated] May 30, 1970
In honor, memory and gratefulappreciation to all thosewho defended their countrythat all might enjoy freedom.
This propertyis listed in theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
The 1867 law abolishing the open range provided for payment of 40 cents per rod (16½ ft.) to landowners to build and maintain a 4½ ft. stone fence. Stone was plentiful and our pioneers built miles of fences.
Originally known as the Palenske Building, this beautiful two story stone building originally housed a bookstore. It was also a bank at one time. The detailed scrollwork around the doorway adds a unique touch to this building.
In 1884 this stone was used to construct the Machine Shop on the Strasen Farm.In 2008 the stone was donated for this wall in memory of Althea and Edgar Strasen by the Jim Johnson family.
Erected by the Pupils of the Wabaunsee County Schools in honor of all our boys who entered the World War and in loving memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice.
Died in ServiceElmer Bartell · Dwight E. Bullock · John Carey &…
Dedicated to Veteransof All WarsAmerican LegionWabaunsee CountyNov. 11, 1970
Discovered byCoronado 1541———————Rediscovered byJ.V. Brower 1896Erected byJohn T. KeagyforQuivira Historical Society1904———————Kansas U.S.A.