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Erected 1898 by the Survivors of Mosby's Command in memory of seven comrades executed while prisoners of war near this spot, September 23rd 1864.
Near here Stonewall Jackson was met by the spy, Belle Boyd, and informed of the position of the Union troops at Front Royal, May 23, 1862. Jackson was advancing northward attempting to get between Banks' army and Winchester.
(Warren County Side): This lower Shenandoah Valley county was formed from Shenandoah and Frederick Counties in 1836. The county was named for Joseph Warren, a Boston Revolutionary War patriot killed during the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. It con…
Ewell's Corps of Lee's army passed here going north, June 11-12, 1863; Hill's Corps, June 19.
CSA1861 - 1865UnveiledJuly 4, 1911
This monument was erectedto commemorate the courageand patriotism of the menfrom Warren County, whoserved honorably, in the Confederate Army "To those who fought and lived and tothose who fought and died. To t…
This monument is dedicated to those who madethe supreme sacrifice during the Korean andViet Nam Conflicts.
Korea ? ? ? 1950 - 1955Clowe, Algernon S. · Coverstone, William · Davenport, Edward · Dodson, George · Hall, …
They sought no glory but their country's good
In memory ofthose who served indefense of their country inWorld War I ? ? ? 1917 - 1918andWorld War II ? ? ? 1941 - 1945
World War IBaker, Clifton O. · Derflinger, Clarence F. · Hal…
has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesand registered as aVirginiaHistoric Landmark
In Memory of the Peoplewho lost their lives onSeptember 11, 2001
DedicatedSeptember 11, 2002County or WarrenWarren County Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America
Warren County High School, a Public Works Administrative project, was constructed in 1940. In 1958, the local NAACP chapter, lead by James W. Kilby, won a federal suit against the Warren County School Board to admit African Americans for the first…