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At the top of this hill 3 to 5000 years ago, Prehistoric men had a rock quarry where they made a variety of stone tools.
Projectiles, knives, and scrapers were among the tools made by these people who camped at the foot of the hill. These nomad…
First White Person Buried in Washington County, Idaho
This marker commemorates the Cuddy Mill.
Built by John Cuddy in 1869. Originally six miles north of here, at the foot of Cuddy Mountain. The General Howard Expedition against the Indians on the warpath under Chief Joseph had grain ground there…
More than a century ago, miners faced a hopeless problem of hauling copper ore to this canyon for shipment to smelters.
They started with Albert Kleinschmidt's road grade down from their mine, more than a vertical mile above Snake River, and mo…
Guiding Oregon Trail emigrants and a party of prospectors who had discovered gold in Boise Basin, Tim Goodale opened a new miners' trail through here in August 1862.
A gold rush followed that fall, and John Brownlee operated a ferry here from 1…
The Weiser Valley provided an abundant environment for early hunters and food gatherers.
Archaeological excavation along Monroe Creek in conjunction with US-95 realignment yielded one of the most significant prehistoric sites in the region. Spe…