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Camp Wayne. . Civil War training camp for the then 5th Congressional District was located on the old fairgrounds. The 16th, 36th, 57th, 69th, 74th, 84th, and 124th regiments of Indiana Volunteers were organized and trained here. …
Indian Boundary Line marking the Twelve Mile Purchase from the Indians by the Fort Wayne Treaty in 1809 by Gov. William Henry Harrison Placed by the National Old Trails Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Sept. 1936
This Tablet Marks the Boundary Line Between Government and Indian Lands fixed by Gen. Anthony Wayne and Twelve Tribes of Indians in the Greenville Treaty 1795 also The Site of Salisbury 1/3 mile south east —— the first Cou…
The Valley Grove Cemetery Association was organized Jan. 1, 1876. The original officers were - John Wallace, President     B. F. Beeson, Secretary     John W. Ferguson, Treasurer The Valley Grove Church was completed on this sit…
In honor of all who served this nation and in memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend it and the freedom we cherish.
Side A Non-denominational academies called county seminaries opened across Indiana soon after statehood. Wayne County Seminary opened at present day Spruce and School Streets in 1829 and by 1835 offered elementary to collegiate level classes for …
Dedicated in memory of those who fought to maintain this nations freedom May 31, 1993
Dedicated in memory of those who fought to maintain this nation's freedom
Side A As a writer, speaker, stockbreeder, and university professor, Meredith (born 1848) encouraged women to pursue education and careers related to farm life. She inherited Oakland Farm, three blocks south, 1882. Successfully grew business and…
Side AAs a traveling missionary and preacher, Quinn helped establish the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) in free and slave states before the Civil War. He influenced the faith, community, and education of thousands of black …