Historical Marker Search

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Battle of Sodus Point. . On the brow of this hill took place the battle of Sodus Point between the British and American forces June 19, 1813. The following day the village of Sodus Point was sacked and burned by the British. var…
Historic Sodus Point. . From 1900 to 1929, the Rochester and Sodus Bay Railroad ran trolleys from Rochester to Sodus Point; a distance of 44 miles. It was known as The Royal Blue Line due to the fact that at first, all the trolley cars were painte…
The War of 18 12. Bicentennial Peace Garden. The battle of Troupesville (later renamed Sodus Point) was fought at the brow of this hill on the rainy evening of June 19th, 1813. A group of approximately 60 Americans (farmers with no military traini…
Underground RR. Legends & Lore. Believed to have been underground railroad safe house ca 1846. Original owners Elizabeth and John Preston were known abolitionists. var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerTex…
In memory of those from this community who served our country, especially those who gave their lives in the ultimate sacrifice. 1950 Korea 1955 Ralph E. Baker, Cpl. Army, KIA 5 May 1951 1961 Vietnam 1975 James A. Marshall, 1Lt. USAF, MIA 18 June 1…
[encircling] Independence, Justice, Liberty [front & back] Arcadia War Memorial, Dedicated to the memory of our soldiers - sailors and marines of all wars World War II Vincent L. Finewood, U.S.A. 1945; Albert N. Fisher, France 1945; Charles J. Fr…
This House erected in 1830 was a station of the Underground Railway in the days of slavery.
Site of Former POW Camp The camp housed 70 to 80 German prisoners during World War II July 23, 1945 - December 2, 1945
Marion Settled in 1795-6 by pioneers from Rhode Island and Massachusetts, was organized as a town April 15, 1826
1800 First Tavern kept in Marion was located on this site.
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