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Six miles south, near Alma, stands Fort Philip Long, a small Germanic stone dwelling with a massive end chimney. Constructed on the edge of a bank, the house is unusual in having two cellar levels, one below the other. A tunnel leads from the lowe…
Built by Thomas Lane. Was later occupied by the family of Elliott Lane, a brother. Here, Harriet Lane, niece of James Buchanan, and mistress of the White House during his Presidency, was born.
Born in Westmoreland County 28" April 1758.Died in the City of New York 4" July 1831.By order of the General Assembly, his remains were removed to this cemetery 5" July 1858 as an evidence of the affection of Virginia for her good and honored son.
James Buchanan, lawyer, statesman, diplomat, 15th President of the U.S., born in Stony Batter, lived here 1796-1807. Sgt. Patrick Gass, carpenter for winter quarters on the Lewis & Clark expedition, 1803-06, worked here as an apprentice, 1794-95.
Was situated on this campus, 1837-71. Here, Drs. Frederick A. Rauch, John W. Nevin, Philip Schaff, taught and wrote. Their works on theology, philosophy, and church history were influential in the U. S. and Europe.
Used the Theological Seminary building. Was chartered, 1836; removed to Lancaster, 1853, and united with Franklin College. First president was Dr. Frederick A. Rauch, famed scholar and educator; author of textbook on psychology.
The Rev. John Steel, pastor of Upper West Conococheague, was made militia captain; and his church, stockaded in 1755, provided protection from hostile Indians. The site is at Church Hill.
On November 20th 1776,General George Washingtonand part of the Continental Army on their march from Fort Lee to Trenton passed this way. Erected July 4th, 1915
Isaac Hayne tried to spend the rest of the Revolutionary War in peace after the British captured Charleston in 1780. Although he had supported independence, Hayne accepted a parole - a promise to remain neutral - in exchange for his freedom. But t…
In September 1864, Union Gen. Philip H. Sheridan detached two cavalry divisions under Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert to move into the Page Valley. While the bulk of Sheridan's army would strike Gen. Jubal A. Early's Confederates at Fisher's Hill, Torbe…