Historical Marker Search

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General Washington was in Fort Lee many times during the Battle of New York. His main headquarters was in Hackensack, but had a temporary headquarters in Fort Lee near Anderson Avenue and Elizabeth Street. His main objective in Fort Lee was to obs…
(South Face)John Adam Treutlen1733 - 1782First Constitutional GovernorofThe State Of GeorgiaElected May 1777(East Face)John Adam TreutlenHe was a member of the First Provincial Congress Of Georgia, meeting in Savannah July 4, 1775, and was appoint…
(Front Text)Buford's Bridge, the earliest settlement in what is now Bamberg County, was established as early as 1792, when William Buford maintained a bridge and operated a ferry over the Salkehatchie River. It grew throughout the nineteenth centu…
In 1776, while attending the Continental Congress, Thomas Jefferson rented two rooms from Jacob Graff, Jr., to avoid the "excessive heats of the city." Here, in Graff's house on the outskirts of town, Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Here is Aquia Church, the church of Overwharton Parish, formed before 1680 by the division of Potomac Parish. It was built in 1757, on the site of an earlier church, in the rectorship of Reverend John Moncure, who was the parish minister from 1738…
[Front of Marker]:This depot, built by the Seaboard Air Line Railwayin 1904, was the third passenger depot built inColumbia, following the South Carolina RailroadDepot on Gervais St., built about 1850, and theUnion Station on Main St., built in 19…
The Rudcarlie Building at 79 Bridge Street was built in the 1950's by Dr. Rudolph N. Gordon (1901-1959) and named for the members of his family. Rudolph, Carlotta, and Rosalie. It was the first medical/dental office constructed in St. Augustine wi…
John Garrett laid out a town called Newport here in 1797 and gave away lots as prizes in a lottery, but a town did not actually appear until after 1830, when the C&O Canal was completed from Georgetown to Seneca Creek. The town was called Seneca. …
In 1902 children from nearby farms traveled by horse and buggy to the Silesia School, a one room school house. The school's contribution of education for this area continued until 1925. In 1959 the school and part of this land was sold to the Cong…
Original Federal Boundary Stone Southwest 3District of ColumbiaPlaced 1791-1792This plaque placed here on the 200th anniversary of the founding of the City of Washington D.C. Placed here and protected by Colonel John Washington ChapterNSDARWash…