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1786 - 1866Hero of the Mexican War
U.S.A.Second Army Corps.Weber's Brigade, French's Division.Brig. Gen. Max Weber, Commanding.Organization.1st Delaware Infantry,5th Maryland Infantry,4th New York Infantry.September 17, 1862.Weber's Brigade, forming the advance of French's Division…
Born Nov. 17, 1788 Foxborough, Mass.Died March 31 1870 Hilton, N.J. Pioneer in mechanics : Benefactor of industry : Loved work that his fellow man might be benefited : A modest, helpful citizen of Newark: An inspiring example for young and old …
Site of the shop of Seth Boyden, versatile inventor. Among his inventions were patent leather in 1818 and later malleable iron.
Ben Soulsby first settled here in 1851. His son, young Ben, when age 12, discovered the first gold in the area by accident. One evening, while walking the family cow home, he saw some gold, told his father who, upon investigation, found a rich vei…
The first community in Tuolumne County to be founded (1855) entirely upon the operation of a lode mine. Site of the famous Soulsby Mine (discovered by Benjamine Soulsby) which produced over $6,500,00 by 1900. The first hardrock miners who worked m…
American Colonel EliasDayton ordered a 4 poundcannon to fire east onMorris Ave. at theadvancing enemy. TheBritish were driven backand retreated during theevening of June 7, 1780.
After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north throug…
American troops withdrewwest along Elmwood andMorris Avenues toward theRahway River Bridge at theSpringfield border onJune 7, 1780 after heavyfighting at the FirstPresbyterian Church.
Lt. General Wilhelmvon Knyphausen led 5000British and Hessian troopswest on Morris Avenueon June 7, 1780. Hisobjective was to destroyWashington's army campedin Morristown.