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Memorial Tabletto theSignal Corps U.S.A.whichthrough valiant and heroicservice atLittle Round TopJuly 2-4, 1863and on many historic battle fieldsthroughout the war of 1861-1865contributed so greatly to thesuccess of the Union Armiesthis tablet is …
To the memory of William Mahone Major General C.S.A. A distinguished Confederate commander, whose valor and strategy at the Battle of the Crater, July 30, 1864 won for himself and his gallant brigade undying fame.A citizen of Petersburg, Virginia,…
On this hill for one month South Carolina troops guarded the entrance to Petersburg and here July 30, 1864, suffered death from a mine exploded by the Federals. Here the surviving Carolinians under the command of Stephen Elliott by their valor tur…
On the site directly across the street stood the Eagle Hotel, a three-story brick structure opened by George Buehler in January of 1812. It was here that Charles Dickens stayed when touring America in 1842 during which time he authored "American N…
1853-1907. Born in Alexandria in 1853, Willoughby Dayton Miller received his primary education in a nearby one-room schoolhouse. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1875 and then studied in Edinburgh, Scotland. Later, he traveled to Be…
The second Dauphin County Prison stood on the southeast corner of Walnut and Court Streets. Completed in 1841, it replaced a log structure erected circa 1792 at the time that the first Dauphin County Courthouse was built directly behind this prope…
On the southeast corner of N. Third and Walnut Streets stood the Grand Opera House, erected in 1873 at a cost of $160,000, by the Masonic Fraternity and designed by architect Frank E. Davis. Serving also as the Harrisburg Masonic Temple, lodge roo…
Phase I of Strawberry Square represents the birth of downtown Harrisburg's revitalization and renewal activity that commenced in the mid 1970's and was pursued with fervor in the 1980's and since. The demolition of the renowned Penn-Harris Hotel a…
By the late 1880's, the Old Capitol Building erected in 1822 was becoming limited in space due to the inevitable expansion of state government. A public debate ensued as to whether a new Capitol should be erected, although many had a sentimental a…
Established in 1903, the Pennsylvania State Archives was originally a division of the Pennsylvania State Library which was housed in the Old Executive Office Building (now the Matthew J. Ryan Legislative Office Building) located just south of the …