Historical Marker Search

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William Clark was central to the success of the Corps of Discovery expedition not only during the two years spent crossing the continent but also because he produced maps of the west long after his return. . . His three maps of the Western Unit…
Mapping the Way. . . Instruments for ascertaining, by celestial observations, the geography of the country through which you will pass, have been already provided. —President Thomas Jefferson . . The data collected by Lewis and Clark is a…
Distant Features. . . Your observations are to be taken with great pains & accuracy, to be entered distinctly & intelligibly for others as well as yourself, to comprehend all the elements necessary . —President Thomas Jefferson . . On Aug…
Clark Pocket Compass Monument. . This monument design is taken from the small pocket compass carried by William Clark on the expedition. Clark's compass was made by Thomas Whitney in Philadelphia. Fortunate Chapter of the National Lewis and Clar…
Reliable Landmarks. . . "...you will take careful observations of ...objects distinguished by such natural marks & characters of a durable kind..." . —President Thomas Jefferson . . There is a remarkable view from the crest of…
Interstate 15 is the latest in a series of roads that have traversed this area since prehistory. Although used for generations by Native Americans, the first recorded use of this route was by the Lewis and Clark Expedition on August 10, 1805. They…
The Department of Transportation launched an ambitious program in 1936 to promote the state's scenic, recreational, and historical treasures. The brainchild of department engineer Bob Fletcher, the program included roadside historical markers, lan…
About four million years ago, this part of the North American Plate slid over a gigantic source of heat in the mantle known as the Yellowstone hot spot. In Yellowstone National Park, this heat is responsible for the geysers, mud pots, and hot spri…
This area once echoed with the sound of creaking wagon wheels, cracking whips, and profanity so intense the mountains vibrated with sulfur! The old wagon road between Montana and Utah passed very close to this rest area. It first saw use in the 18…
Montana's first gold rush began near here at Grasshopper Creek in the summer of 1862. Prospectors John White and company camped along the insect infested banks as they looked for a shortcut to the Deer Lodge valley. They panned the gravel - as was…