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[Text on top front of marker]:
Logan's ElmHeight of tree 104 Ft., Spread 154 Ft.,Circumference of Body 23 Ft.
[Text on bottom front of marker]:
Logan's Speech——————————"I appeal …
GrenadierSquaw VillageNon-Hel-E-MaShawnee PrincessFriend of theWhite Man1750
The Underground RailroadThe Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised…
In memory ofP.F.C. Franklin E. SollarsCo. B. 3rd Bn 12th Inf. 4th Inf. Div.Born July 9, 1946 in Chillicothe, OhioKilled in action in Vietnam,Jan. 19, 1968
The Deercreek FrontierIn 1772-73 missionary David Jones visited Blue Jacket's Town, a settlement of 12 cabins downstream on the east bank and Pickaweekee, a Shawnee town, on the west bank. Deercreek Methodist Circuit Deacon, Dr. Edward Tiffin, met…
In recogntion ofthe patriotism ofthe people ofPickaway Countywho oversubscribed theirWar Savings Quota in 1918this tablet isgratefully erected by theOhio War Savings Committee
To honor the memory ofour safety forces
who have devoted their lives tothe communities of our great nationand who protect the citizens ofCircleville and Pickaway County
On this first anniversary ofSeptember 11, 2001
This covered bridge once spanned Brannon's Fork near Young Hickory in Muskingum County. The bridge was dismantled in the 1960's because land surrounding it was to be strip mined.
Arthur Wesner purchased the bridge in 1967 and reassembled it on…
In Memoriamto honor the many brave soldierswho served our country in time ofwar and rest here in eternal peace.To those that made the supremesacrifice whereby we can enjoyfreedom in our great country.
Revolutionary War 1775-1783War of 1812 1812…
Erected in honor of the men and women who served Vietnam, Vietnam era and to those who paid the supreme sacrifice from Pickaway County. They answered duty's call when the torch of freedom flickered in the hands of a people who few understood. They…