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Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Kanawha Boulevard has gone by various names throughout history. The Boulevard was known as Front Street when "Charles Town" was chartered in 1794. Through the years, it has been called First Street, Water Street and Kanawha Street prior to being r…
Near this place, the army of Gen. Andrew Lewis camped, Sept. 21, 1774, enroute from Lewisburg. From Charleston, Lewis led his men by land and water to Point Pleasant where Cornstalk Indians were defeated, Oct. 10, 1774.
Two significant dwellings that stood elsewhere during the Civil War have been relocated to this park for public use: Craik-Patton House. The Rev. James Craik, son of George Washington's personal secretary, constructed this house in downtown Charle…
1789 Lt. Col. Of Kanawha Militia An Organizer of Kanawha County1791 Delegate to Virginia AssemblyHis Cabin was Across the Riverfrom Cave in Cliff AboveHe hunted Deer and Made SaltFrom a Spring at the Water's EdgeErected by Kanawha Valley ChapterDa…
Across the Great Kanawha River, lived Daniel Boone, the noted frontiersman, from about 1788 to 1795. He represented Kanawha County in the Virginia Assembly, 1791; was Lieut. Col. of Virginia militia during Indian wars.
Built 1834 as "Elm Grove" by James Craik, grandson of Geo. Washington's personal physician. Sold to George Smith Patton, 1858, and retained by family until end of Civil War. Born here was father of noted World War II general Geo. S. Patton. Moved …
Earl Ray Tomblin President Senate???????Bob Wise ?Governor?????? Robert S. Kiss, Speaker House of Delegates
????????????????????????????????????????????????????? By Resolution of the Seventy-Fourth Legislature ??
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Sectional differences in western and easternVirginia fueled resentment and political divisionsbefore the Civil War. The divisions soon becameirrevocable after the convention in Richmond votedon April 17, 1861, for Virginia to secede and join theCo…
Constructed of buff Indiana limestone and lined with Imperial Danby marble from Vermont, the State's Capitol is considered one of the world's superb examples of Italian Renaissance architecture. Designed by the internationally prominent Cass Gilbe…
West Virginia's Capitol first located in Wheeling, 1863; located in Charleston, 1870; again in Wheeling, 1875, and finally in Charleston, 1885. It was located 2 mi. west until destroyed by fire, 1921. Present building was completed in 1932.