You searched for Postal Code: 27282
Showing results 1 to 10 of 17
Johnson Bros. & Co. incorporated as a wholesale, retail, and custom workshop in 1897 with John R. Cook, president; Andrew F. Johnson, vice-president; and George W. Johnson, secretary-treasurer. George Johnson was a shoemaker by 1880. The business …
Built by James Mendenhall, for whom Jamestown was reportedly named. His family moved here from Chester, Pennsylvania, and built the house, a grist mill, and sawmill on the banks of the Deep River. The last Mendenhall occupant was Delphina Mendenha…
Originally the site of Henry Humphries' saddle and harness shop, this simple one-room, v-notched cabin with a stone foundation and chimney was soon acquired by Isaac Potter for his own store, which operated until 1826. The house continued to be us…
Constructed in the period 1834-1844 by William Reece, local Constable. Stopping point on Charlotte to Goldsboro stagecoach trail. Birthplace of Joseph Reece, founder of Greensboro News and Record. Later home to J. Harper Johnston, 1881 Jamestown M…
Jamestown Public School was designated by the General Assembly in 1907 as one of two standard high schools in Guilford County. In 1911, the General Assembly passed the Guilford County Farm Life School Act and Jamestown was so designated. When the …
The arrival of the railroad shifted the center of Jamestown eastward from the old town center where Dr. Shubal Coffin (1809-1881) had established a medical school in 1840. He built his new home here, overlooking the tracks, to enjoy the improved a…
Mill may date from about 1825, built on land owned by Jesse Field. It is best known as Robbins Mill or Holton Mill, bought in 1853 by Rev. Alexander and Mary (Weatherly) Robbins. Mrs. Robbins operated it during the Civil War, negotiating a draft d…
Oakdale United Methodist Church began as a brush arbor meeting at the entrance to the mill village, built by members of the community. After the Little Schoolhouse was built in the early 1880's, the church met here there. In 1915, a church was bui…
A grist mill operated on this site under a series of owners until 1865. A gun factory was also located on the property during the Civil War. The cotton mill, which would be incorporated as Oakdale Cotton Mills by Joseph Ragsdale in 1896, opened fo…
Built by Oakdale Mill and served by teachers from the county, this one-room schoolhouse operated until 1943 when it merged with the Jamestown School. The front sections on either side of the door provided separate boys' and girls' cloakrooms as we…