Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 38103

Showing results 1 to 10 of 149
The Riverwalk is a portrait of Old Man River in the miniature-the winding 1.000-mile journey of the lower Mississippi reproduced in a one-half mile concrete sculpture. On a horizontal scale of 30 inches, or one step, to the mile, this flowing mode…
The Memphis Cotton Exchange, was first organized in 1873 and is still operating today, though cotton trading is now done by computers. In the early 1950s a seat on the Exchange could cost a new member $17,000. Memphis was the largest spot cotton m…
Parking can be fun, but not as fun as a show at Loew's Palace, where "talking movies" debuted in Memphis in 1928. The theater, where Harry Houdini and others performed in the 1920s, was razed in the 1980s.
The Woolen Building was built with bricks made on-site in the 1840s. Federal troops later used its basement as a hospital during the Civil War. It is the oldest commercial building in Memphis.
On October 25, 1948 at 4p.m., Nat D. Williams signed on at WDIA radio, becoming the first black disc jockey on the South's first all-black radio station. His revolutionary rhythm and blues program followed a show called "Hillbilly Party" and repla…
Author John Grisham immortalized downtown Memphis, particularly Front Street, in his novel The Firm. In 1993, he became the first author to have four books on the best seller list at the same time. Rooted deeply in the South's rich literary soil, …
Shelby County Archives and Hall of Records After the Shelby County criminal courts and jail moved from here in 1982, this National Register Historic District building stood empty until 1998, when extensive renovations were completed and it reop…
In 1820 several log cabins were built here to provide for the land office opening. Samuel Brown, first sheriff, later kept tavern on the same site. Adjacent on the south was the office of Frances Wright's Nashoba colony.
From here north to Auction Avenue steamboats landed; flatboats used the mouth of Gayoso Bayou above. Paddy Meagher, associated with this bluff as early as 1783, built a warehouse here in 1828. In 1829 Emmanuel Young built the town's first brick st…
After the fall of Nashville Governor Isham Harris convened the Tennessee Legislature on this site February 20-March 20, 1862. The state archives were also stored here.
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