Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 19
Faurot Opera House 1882-1953 Built on this site by Benjamin C. Faurot, one of Lima's most prominent citizens. The grand opening was held Sept. 4, 1882. Through the years, many famous actors, actresses, and musicians appeared on it's stage. The the…
Site of Lima's First cemetery and burial place of Pvt. Elijah Stites 1758-1843Minute Man of the Revolution who served in the Essex County Militia 1st Regiment New Jersey.
On March 18, 1942, four U.S. Army Air Corps pilots lost their lives within a quarter mile of this marker. Three months after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, these pilots left Wayne County Airport near Detroit flying P-39F Airacobra pursuit planes. They…
Here arriving from Logan County in 1824, Christopher Stark Wood estab- lished on Sugar Creek, the first settlement in what is now Allen County. His family and others joined him soon. Land was cleared; cabins were built. After only five year…
Ward Cemetery Burial Site in the fall of 1825, Samuel McCluer built a log cabin near this site and began the arduous task of clearing away the dense forest for farming. Not until the following summer did he learn from hunters, who accident- …
Ohio's first electric Street Car Line and one of the first in the U.S. Began operation in Lima, Ohio July 4, 1887. Operated by B.C. Faurot as the Lima Street Rail- way and Power Co. This line served the city until May, 1939. …
In 1959 this area was discovered to be an almost four thousand year old burial ground of the Glacial Kame People-named for the distinctive gravel elevations in which their dead were buried. The area was once a farm owned by Henry Boose, an early r…
In honor of those founders and patriots of the northwest territory who settled in Ohio and Allen County 1803 Ohio Sesquicentennial 1953
Erected in 1852 of handsome bricks, this house, still occupied in 1976, is one of Lima's oldest landmarks. Situated on part of Outlot No. Two of the original city addition, the residence now fronts Central Ave., known as Tanner Ave., before 1897. …
Built near this site, the cabin of this pioneer Allen County Commissioner was used for the first meetings of the Bath Township Trustees in 1829 and of the Allen County Commissioners June 6, 1831. Daniel's land adjoined the original 160 acre townsi…