Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 79720

Showing results 1 to 10 of 16
Joseph Heneage Finch (b.1849), an English nobleman, left his ancestral home in 1883 after a scandalous divorce. Attracted by cheap land and good hunting, the Earl of Aylesford came to Texas and settled on six sections in Howard County. His generos…
Formed from Young and Bexar Territories Created August 21, 1876 Organized June 15, 1882 Named in honor of Volney Erskine Howard 1809 - 1889 Came to Texas in 1844 Delegate to the First State Constitutional Convention Member of the T…
In 1906 a group of pioneers arrived on the frontier north of Big Spring to take advantage of rancher Sid Moore's offer to sell land to farmers. Four acres were set aside, and a one-room school was built in 1906. The first school term, with one tea…
Staked Plains Lodge No. 598, A.F. & A.M., was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Texas on December 12, 1884. The members soon recognized a need for a Masonic cemetery in Big Spring. In May 1885 George Bauer (1836-1898), a member of the Lodge, donated…
William Travis Roberts, son of William and Rachel Roberts, was born near Georgetown, Texas. At 13, "Bud" assumed care of the family while his father fought and died in the civil war. In 1870, he married Mary Thompson (1855 - 1915) at Georgetown. T…
Education has been an important endeavor in Howard County since its formal organization in 1882, when the first commissioners court ordered the construction of a school building and created Howard County Common School District No. 1 in 1883. On…
In 1882, the same year Howard County was formally organized, this congregation was established with seven charter members. Worship services were first conducted in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Eddins. The first pastor was The Rev. J. Wright. Mem…
Chartered on April 19, 1890, the First National Bank of Big Spring opened for business on the first floor of a two-story building at the northwest corner of Second and Clinton (now Main) streets with an initial capital of $50,000. The post office …
Will R. and Lillian Settles built this hotel after the discovery of oil on their ranch in 1927. The grand opening was October 1, 1930. Designed by David Castle (1884-1956), the 15-story brick highrise was for many years the tallest building betwee…
In 1884, a most unlikely fellow bought a lot and had built on it a structure of native limestone to house Big Spring's first meat market. Joseph Heneage Finch, the Seventh Earl of Aylesford, Warwickshire, England (forced out of his country in the …