Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 80401

Showing results 1 to 10 of 56
Rock Flour Millstone. . The Rock Flour Mill, which stood near here in the late 1800's, used waterpower from the creek to turn large stone wheels that ground wheat into flour. Water-powered gristmills have been in use since the time of the…
Triceratops: 30 feet long, 6-12 ton Herbivore Several tracks of Triceratops or a closely related horned dinosaur were discovered in this area. Among horned dinosaurs, Triceratops is the most likely track maker because many of its bones have be…
Large palm fronds show that the climate was much warmer than that of today. Other plant and tree types found here, such as extinct relatives of sycamore, walnut, paddle-leafed ginger and an ancient relative of the avocado, lost their leaves s…
Birds are descendants of theropod (meat-eating) dinosaurs and their tracks look similar: three long narrow toes with claw marks. However, bird tracks are generally smaller than most theropod tracks. This print is wider than long and the to…
To the south on Arapahoe Street is a distinctive building made of river rock. The Armory was completed in 1913 to house Company A Engineers of the Colorado National Guard, comprised of Colorado School of Mines students. Designer James H. Gow, who…
Based on Late Cretaceous fossil evidence found along this trail, this area was a delta with lakes, streams and a mosaic of swamps, scrubby forests, palm tree thickets and small open areas. Impressions of logs, leaves and palm fronds suggest a warm…
To the east stands Castle Rock, which is an outcropping of South Table Mountain. It is a frequently used symbol of Golden appearing on the city flag, as well as being an icon of the Coors Brewery for many years. The top of Castle Rock was a p…
In Golden's early days this area was called Goosetown neighborhood. The origin of the name is uncertain. The first residents were mostly German immigrants who worked at local breweries, rail yards and smelters. Their homes were simple, wood frame …
In 1867, in Hamburg, Germany, young Adolphus Herman Joseph Kuhrs was preparing to stow away on a ship bound for America. By 1872, Coors had altered the spelling of his last name and arrived in the Denver area. He settled on Golden because of its "…
(left side) Bridging Our HistoryThis bridge is the second Billy Drew Bridge erected on this site. The original Billy Drew Bridge was built in 1976 as part of Golden's celebration of the Centennial-Bicentennial, the nation's 200th anniversary an…