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Site of gun battle May 25, 1937, with infamous Brady Gang after bank robbery in Goodland. Minneman (1904-1937) died from his wounds, the first trooper to be killed by criminals' bullets since formation of Indiana State Police in 1933.
One mile southwest of this marker gas was discovered in 1867 by G. Bates while drilling for oil at a depth of 500 feet. Gas wells were drilled in 1887-1888; gas piped into Francesville lasted only four years.
Side "A" In 1892 the game of basketball was brought to Crawfordsville from its birthplace in Massachusetts by Rev. Nicholas McCay, General Secretary of the Crawfordsville YMCA that was located on this site in what would become known as the Te…
These canal-bed earthworks are remnants of construction on the Central Canal from 1836-39. It was planned to link the Hoosier interior with interstate markets, via the Wabash & Erie Canal, as part of the 1836 Internal Improvement Act. Indiana's ba…
Named for John Sailor, Richmond's first mayor after incorporation in 1840. As taverns required a back entrance on a street, this alley north of Main, from 7th to 11th, was named Sailor Street. This site is where the Starr House, noted hotel …
Side AA Warren Public Library Board was organized in June 1916 after a public fundraising campaign to buy books and periodicals. In 1917, a grant of $10,000 from the Carnegie Corporation was confirmed to support construction of a free public libra…
Blackford County's second courthouse, featuring a 165 foot high clock tower, was built on foundation stones from nearby Montpelier quarries. At a cost of $129,337.83, this Richardsonian Romanesque structure was constructed 1893-1895. Listed in Nat…
Nov. 3, 1811Harrison's ArmyCamped on the West side of this grove near a spring, on his way to Tippecanoe. On his return trip he again camped here and buried two soldiers who had been wounded at The Battle of Tippecanoe.
In the yard of this home is visible the trail followed by the heavy wagons of the Army under Gen. Harrison passing here on the way to Tippecanoe, November 3, 1811
Side A:Bowen-Merrill FireOn March 17, 1890 the Bowen-Merrill Company stationery and book store at 16-18 West Washington Street caught fire. Eighty-six firemen fought the blaze. The wood framed roof and floors collapsed, dropping many men into the …
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