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Page 155 of 165 — Showing results 1541 to 1550 of 1648
Chief Peter Cornstalk's village of Snakefish (Eel River) tribe of Miami Indians was located three miles from here along Cornstalk Creek. Wigwams and Indian furial ground were near the little Harshbarger family cemetery. The Indians lived at peace …
Home of Henry S. Lane (1811-81), Congressman, Governor, and Civil War senator. Chairman of the first Republican National Convention, 1856, he was a strong supporter of Lincoln and the Union.
Site of house reputed to be a stop on the "Underground Railroad." Reconstructed cabin, which was portion of house owned by John Allen Speed, now located on grounds of lane Mansion. Speed, active in abolitionist movement, was Mayor of Crawfordsvill…
Estab. Dec. 1829, the Cemetery predates Waynetown (then Middletown) which was estab. July 1830. The last burial was in 1908. William Bratton, the only member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804 - 1806) to be buried in Indiana, is buried here. …
(Obverse): Bratton (1779 - 1841) is buried in this cemetery. With U.S. Army rank of private, he joined Lewis and Clark Expedition's Corps of Discovery near Clarksville, Indiana 1803. Corps explored lands of Louisiana Purchase and Pacific Northwest…
Enroute to Washington, D.C., to become 16th President of the U.S., addressed citizens of Lebanon and Boone County from rear of railroad passenger car at this place on the evening of February 11, 1861.
On this spot where the Wanatah Station of the Monon Railroad once stood, the Lincoln funeral train made a brief stop on the morning of May 1, 1865 at approximately 7:40 a.m. The funeral train traveled 1,700 miles of its journey from Washington, DC…
Here, Feb 11, 1861, Abraham Lincoln, on his way to Washington to assume the Presidency, in an address said "I appeal to you to constantly bear in mind that not with politicians, not with presidents, not with office-seekers, but with you is the que…
Pavilion was built 1913 by Edgar Jerome (1862-1942) of Rockville. He used wooden bridge building techniques in timber framing which supports entire structure. It was designed to seat 3,000 people under its roof. Repairs made 1976-1978 and 1992. Li…
Fountain Park has been the site of annual Chautauqua sessions since 1895. The Chautauqua continues to promote traditional values and religious, social and educaitonal activities upon which it was founded.
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