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Page 162 of 173 — Showing results 1611 to 1620 of 1725
The Battle of Independence was fought at this and other locations on Aug. 11, 1862. On that day, a force of Confederate soldiers launched a dawn surprise attack on the Union garrison stationed at Independence and compelled it to surrender. It was …
A Century of Progress marks the development of Jackson County. In 1828 a log courthouse was built in Independence. In 1836 a brick building was erected as a permanent courthouse on this site. Soldiers returning from the Mexican War found an enlarg…
Revolutionary SoldiersLt. Joseph Boggs, PA. · William Moore, VA.Isaac Drake, MD. · Ledston Noland, N.C.——————Fort Osage, 1808-1827Major George C. Sibley, U.S. Indian AgentMary Easton Sibley, First …
This permanent memorial shallserve to provide lastingtribute to those Independenceveterans that have madethe ultimate sacrifice in orderto preserve and protectthe tremendous freedom eachof us so richly enjoy
[Honor Roll List of Names]
President of theUnited States1945 - 1953
This statue was dedicatedMay 8, 1976, byGerald R. Ford,the 38th President of theUnited States, in the presence ofMrs. Margaret Truman Daniel.
This statuepresented tothe people ofJackson County byHarry S. TrumanPresident ofthe United States1949
Accepted forthe people ofJackson County bythe County Court——————Harry M. GambelPresiding JudgeWm. J. Randa…
Martin Kritser, a grocer, bought this lot in 1847 and probably had the house built soon after. Patrick McCarty, one time saloon keeper on this square, bought it in 1849. This modest house is typical of the majority of houses built during the city'…
About 1856, John Lewis erected this mansion on 22 acres he had owned since 1845. George Caleb Bingham, the famous Missouri genre painter, bought the farm in 1864 and lived here until 1870. W.H. Waggoner, mill owner, bought it in 1876. The family s…
On this site stood one of the most fashionable and elegant of the early day hotels. Erected in 1831 by Leonard Renick. Operated by Dr. Leo Twyman until 1872. It was purchased by George Kenton in 1873. Portions of the interior wall are still intact.
Built in 1859, these buildings served as United States Provost Marshal's headquarters during the Civil War. Frank James, outlaw, and William C. Quantrill, border war guerrilla, were jailed here. In use until 1933.