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Page 173 of 189 — Showing results 1721 to 1730 of 1885
"A Ten Acre Lot Full" In the early evening hours of August 30, 1862, the weary Union soldiers fighting a running battle from Kingston to Richmond were forced to stop. Confederate cavalry had blocked the roads leading out of Richmond - the Lanca…
Gen. Mahlon D. Manson marched south along the Old State Road (US 421) from Richmond seeking the Confederate army. As he topped the hill where Mt. Zion Church stands he began to deploy his army. Using the road as his guide, he deployed his infantry…
On August 30, 1862, the end of the Union line was anchored on the small knoll overlooking the wooded ravine on its left. From there, the line stretched to the right across US 421. It ended just south of Mt. Zion Church, the brick building on the f…
The Battle of Richmond began in the early morning hours of August 30, 1862. Near this site Confederate cavalry pushed Union pickets north - toward the main Union line. Confederate Gen. Patrick Cleburne placed his artillery to the southeast, on a r…
Never a plantation Pleasant View Farm had its beginnings in 1801 when Joseph Barnett bought 578 acres on the Hayes Fork of Silver Creek. By 1824 he had constructed the brick house that stands today. About the same time, Barnett is believed to h…
In the summer of 1862 the Confederacy took the offensive Robert E. Lee's army advanced into Maryland. Sterling Price and Earl Van Dorn's armies marched toward Corinth, Mississippi. Braxton Bragg and Kirby Smith moved out of Tennessee and into K…
"The rebels had succeeded in out flanking us, and we were now under a terrible cross-fire from three sides...while their batteries still played upon us with their deadly meteors." Lt. Col. James R. S. Cox, 16th Indiana In the early morning hour…
Crawfordsville, IndianaMahlon Dickerson Manson spent his first years near Piqua, Ohio, where he was born in 1820. When Mahlon was twelve his family moved to Indiana. After studying pharmacy Manson opened a drug store in Crawfordsville. He left Ind…
The most well-known participant in the Battle of Richmond was General Patrick Cleburne, a charismatic young officer who rose rapidly through the Confederate ranks. In the fall of 1861, less than six months after entering Confederate service, Clebu…
"On the 29th I made a reconnaissance of the enemy with my whole command." Col. John Scott, 1st Louisiana Cavalry Gen. Mahlon Manson was south of Richmond when he received word that Confederate cavalry was to his south. Manson marched his brigad…
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