Historical Marker Search

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Page 185 of 189 — Showing results 1841 to 1850 of 1885
The Men of Fayette County who gave their lives in Service During the World War. [First column]Fred M. Blakeman · Don Mullis Burris · Marshall Corum · Harry W. Cunningham · Johnson Clay Eales · Clarence R. Gaug…
(Front):John Cabell Breckinridge, 1821-75, one of four Kentuckians - more than any state, except New York - who were U.S. Vice Presidents. Others were Adlai E. Stevenson, Richard M. Johnson, and Alben W. Barkley. In U.S. Congress, 1851-55. Elected…
Lexington CourthousesEast of Cheapside is the public square, where courthouses of Lexington ahve stood since 1788. The present edifice is fifth fourthouse, the fourth on this site. It was built during 1898-1900, after fire destroyed fourth courtho…
One of the three original counties formed when Kentucky Co., Virginia, was divided by Va. Act in 1780. Included area north and east of Ky. River, 37 persent-day counties and parts of 7 others. Reduced to its present boundaries by 1799. Named fo…
(Front):Known as the "Thunderbolt of the Confederacy," Morgan was born in Huntsville, Alabama; in 1831 moved to Lexington. After attending Transylvania, he fought in the Mexican war. In Lexington, he prospered as owner of hemp factory and woolen m…
This antebellum Greek Revival Home was part of Bowman estate. Col. Abraham Bowman commanded 8th Va. Regt. in Revolution. Behind house was Todd's Station, built 1779 by Levi Todd, grandfather of Mary Todd Lincoln and Emilie Todd Helm. Mrs. Helm, wi…
Originally thought to be approximately 400 years old prior to its death in 1976, the park cut the remains of this magnificent oak in 1986. However, a study of the growth rings after its removal showed the tree to be approximately 195 years of age.…
The Thomas Lincoln family obtained its water supply from this spring; the infant child, Abraham, had his earliest drinks of water from this source. When Thomas Lincoln moved here in 1808, the 300-acre farm already was variously known as "Sinking S…
This building was erected by the Lincoln Farm Association from funds obtained by popular subscription, mostly by American school children. The building, designed by John Russell Pope, was constructed 1909-1911 of Connecticut pink granite and Tenne…
Franklin County's only covered bridge spans North Elkhorn Creek and is 120 ft. long and 11 ft. wide. It was built by George Hockensmith circa 1855. each entrance has a sawtooth edge; the lattice is pinned with trunnels (treenasil). Restored in 190…