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Dr. Abbott (1812 - 1884)Major textile and papermanufacturer as well asdedicated citizen
The smallest of Valatie'seight textile mills.The last built andthe last to close.
Early Dutch settlersancestral home of Marie Hoesmother of Martin Van Buren
"Valatie, from the Dutch Vaaltje meaning "Little Falls," was settled about 1665 as part of the Kinderhook Seettlement. The original inhabitants were Mohigan, an Algonquian Indian people.
The Dutch established grist and lumber mills on the Kinde…
Built c. 1871on the site of earlierinns dating back to the18th century. Also believedthe site young Martin Van Burentried his first court case.
National Register ? c 1826Nathan Wild 1790-1867, a founderof Valatie and its textile mills,one of the nations' earliestindustrial villages.
Gov. Martin H. Glynn ? 1871 - 1924Congressman, Comptroller,Lieut. Governor, Governor,Orator, Journalist,a founder of the Irish Free State.
Dr. John, 1796 - 1851First Valatie Postmaster ? 1832Friend, ally and physicianof President Van Buren
Documentation shows that thisis the most likely site ofthe Knox caravan trailduring the winter of 1775-1776.