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Proud tribute is here paid to the citizens of North Tonawanda who answered the call to the colors in World War II. Roll of Honor. [6 panels of names left, 6 panels of names right, one supplemental plaque of names right] [center panel]: Killed in a…
Carousels and Rides Made Here
Over 3,000 hand-carved wooden carousels were made in this factory. Portable carousels were set up at carnivals around the country and stationary units were the main attraction at many early 1900s resorts. Many other r…
In 1872 the Armitage-Herschell Company established itself as an iron foundry in North Tonawanda. The Armitage-Herschell foundry forged iron farm equipment, storm sewer grates, and many other implements. Among the others, was the steam boiler which…
At 9:00 am on the twenty-sixth day of October eighteen hundred and twenty-five, the Grand Erie Canal was officially opened. In Buffalo at the foot of Main Street, Governer DeWitt Clinton boarded the packet boat, Seneca Chief, which was elegantly o…
In the late 19th centurythis area was the largestlumber port in the world