Historical Marker Search

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(Front side):This church, organized October 12, 1845, was the result of a clash in doctrines at nearby Sardis Baptist Church. Some in the congregation favored the primitive Baptist movement, but others, including Rev. John N. Youmans, favored a mi…
[front]This summer village, established by the rice planters of St. Luke's Parish, was a thriving settlement in what was the Beaufort District until the creation of Jasper County in 1912. Named for Capt. John Graham (1784-1833), its prominent resi…
((Text front))This Episcopal church was a chapel of ease in the Parish of St. Luke for a number of years before it became a separate congregation in 1835. It is said that William Heyward gave the church land on which the present building, donated …
Shown on the 1820 Beaufort District map by Vignoles and Ravenel, Gillisonville had a free school by 1831, and a post office in 1840. The seat of Beaufort District from 1840 to 1860, Gillisonville was burned by General William T. Sherman's army on …
(Obverse):The Euhaw congregation constituted this ecclesiastical group 24 March 1832, naming it Coosawhatchie Baptist Church. The South Carolina Baptist Convention met at the church in December 1845 and unanimously voted to join the recently forme…