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(( Center Plaque ))
This Memorial Dedicated by
The Citizens of Elkhart County
to perpetuate the memory of our Valiant Citizens who sacrificed their lives for God and Country and Honoring those who served in our Armed Forces
* * * Wor…
Jackson CemeteryEstablished 1827
A Historic Cemetery Listed in Indiana's Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Installed 2005 Indiana Historical Bureau and William Tuffs Chapter Daughters of the …
Considered to be one of the most attractive county buildings in the State of Indiana, the Elkhart County Courthouse is also one of the oldest buildings in Goshen. The original courthouse was built in 1831 by Jacob Studebaker, who (it is said) walk…
Built as a source of hydraulic power for Goshen's industries, the Millrace Canal gave rise to a new form of energy in the late 1890's - electricity. In 1898 the energy of the canal was harnessed by the Hawks Electric Company's central generating s…
Several bridges have been built across the Millrace Canal at various stages throughout its history. Most of these bridges were built for transportation purposes (first horse and carriage, then railroads and automobiles), although some were built s…
Construction of the Goshen Dam and Millrace Canal began in March of 1867 and was completed on April 18, 1868, the same day Goshen was incorporated as a city. The project was built by a 40 man crew using horses and plows to excavate the canal bed. …
John M. Violett acquired this land from the U.S. Government in 1833 and the original plot of this cemetery on the east bank of the Elkhart River consisted of 10.7 acres.
One of the oldest graves here is that of James H. Violett who died in 1839.
The boundary between Indiana and Michigan territories was established in 1805. Just before Indiana became a state in 1816, the line was moved ten miles north to give Indiana frontage on Lake Michigan.
This stone marks the site of the first school house in Elkhart County built of oak logs in 1830
This stone marks The Site of Fort Beane, built in 1832, as a refuge for the early settlers, at the time of the Blackhawk War.