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(Obverse Side)Branch CountyBranch County, named for John Branch, President Andrew Jackson's secretary of the navy, was one of thirteen counties established by the Michigan Territorial Legislature in 1829. The village of Branch, located three miles…
(Front Panel)To the memoryof thesoldier dead
Erected by ButterworthWoman's Relief Corps No. 31and the Citizens ofColdwater
Dec 1906
(Right Side Panel)To the memoryof thesoliders of theSpanish-Americanand Philippine Warswho gave their live…
The first formal step toward the founding of a state library association was taken by Mary A. Eddy, of the Coldwater Free Public Library, in a letter to Henry M. Utley of the Detroit Public Library on January 13, 1891. They had discussed this matt…
The Michigan National Guard Armory was dedicated in 1917 and was the major information and gathering facility for Branch County's Military, Company A-32.
These guns, known as the Maxim-Nordenfeldt Automatics, are anti-aircraft weapons, and they…
Hero of the Civil War, a beautiful, powerfully built draft horse, was the only survivor of the two hundred horses assigned to the Loomis battery of Michigan, after having been engaged in many battles and skirmishes.
Old Sam was wounded several …
A tribute to the men of Branch County who served in the spirit of loyalty served their country in the World War and in loving memory of those inscribed below who made the supreme sacrifice.
Adams, George R. · Alderman, Claude W. ·…
Born at Rochester, Michigan, June 23, 1840Died at San Jose, California, December 28, 1912Civil War 1861-1863Private Duryees Zouaves, 5th N.Y. Inf.Michigan National GuardEnlisted 1876Commissioned Capt. Co. A, 2nd Regt. 1878Lieut. Col., 2nd Regt. 18…
This is one of the six ten pounder Parrott guns sent to Loomis Battery by General McClellan at Rich Mountain, West Virginia, to replace the old six pounder brass gun originally supplied the battery, and was in service in West Virginia from July 1s…
Potawatomie Indians ceded Coldwater Prairie to the United States in 1827. The Indians called it "Chuck-sew-ya-bish," meaning "cold spring water." Coldwater is located at the junction of Old Sauk and Fort Wayne Indian trails. The settlement's first…
Methodists held the first religious services in Girard Township. Organized in 1832 by the Reverend Ezekiel Gavit, a circuit rider, the congregation met in homes and a school until a church was built in 1844. When that structure burned in 1887 it w…