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From its opening in 1891, the Silver Beach Amusement Park made St. Joseph a prime destination for tourists. Huge crowds enjoyed the park's many attractions, which included a carousel, roller rink, indoor swimming pool, bowling alley, beer garden, …
The Great Lakes region is one of the nation's most important centers of maritime commerce. Lighthouses helped mariners navigate these vast inland seas. In 1832, the U.S. Government built the first lights on Lake Michigan at two of its busiest harb…
The north pier lighthouses, built in 1907, guide ships to this port. The inner light replaced a smaller, wooden lighthouse in use since 1847. The north pier was then extended and the outer light tower was added, allowing mariners to find the harbo…
Two historic waterways, Lake Michigan and the St. Joseph River, meet here. Opportunities for maritime trade, transportation, industry and recreation led to the founding of St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. Explore the Maritime Heritage Trail and disco…
In MemoriamErected to commemoratethe bravery of those whoheroically gave up theirlives in the performanceof duty at the burning ofYork's Opera House,Benton Harbor, Michigan,Sunday, September 8, 1896.Edward H. GangeSilas F. WatsonFrank M. SeaverArt…
On July 5, 1897 with great pride and effort the A.W. Chapman Post of the Grand Army of the Republic dedicated this gun and grounds to the memories of those who fought in the Civil War in defense of the flag. This 11 inch bore Dahlgren was built in…
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, local river captains, mill owners, merchants and other professionals built homes in this neighborhood. Over one hundred of their homes remain. They exemplify popular architectural styles ra…
William Burnett, an American patriot from New Jersey, established a trading post on the bank of the St. Joseph River immediately east of this point between 1775 and 1782. He was the first permanent white resident of this area. He married Kakima, d…
Here in November 1679, on the Miami River, as the St. Joseph was then called, La Salle, the French explorer built a fort as a base for his western explorations. Here he awaited the Griffin, the upper lakes' first ship. When the ill-fated vessel di…
This Glacial Boulder found in the bed of the St. Joseph River was erected in 1902 by the Algonquin Chapter Daughters - American Revolution to commemorate the landing of Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle and the building on this point. Fort Mi…