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Page 2 of 5 — Showing results 11 to 20 of 44
Historic Building
This residence is an eclectic example of Queen Anne and Second Empire architecture. Constructed in 1859, the present house was almost completely rebuilt in 1889. John Pinkum was a partner in the Empire Lumber Company.
First Congregational Church
Established 1856. Erected 1919-1921 after fire destroyed the original edifice. Twentieth century Gothic architecture.
Approved June Sixteen
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Two
Community House
Erected 1914. Designed by Pr…
Historic Building
The parsonage was designed by the Minneapolis firm of Purcell and Elmslie. Built in 1915, the house represents the firm's work in small, inexpensive residences.
Designated District November Seventeen
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-…
"I had no idea there was so much business done here. In just one mill where Charley is at work, they saw one hundred thousand feet a day. It keeps Charley pretty busy. He don't get any time to rest except Sunday."
???? ?From the letters of: ?Elle…
Historic Building
Erected in 1896, St. Joseph's Chapel is the only example of a late Nineteenth Century Gothic chapel in Eau Claire. It was built by a member of Sacred Heart Parish.
Designated November Twenty-One
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Eight
Historic Building
The Korger family built this "catalog house" in 1910 from a pre-cut numbered kit ordered from Sears Roebuck and Company and delivered to Eau Claire by railroad in two box cars.
Designated August Fifteen
Nineteen Hundred and Eigh…
Nineteenth century lumbermen made numerous improvements on the Chippewa River to ease the task of transporting logs and lumber. Such improvements required legislative approval, so lumbermen commonly lobbied Madison legislators or themselve…
Historic Home
This Queen Ann style home was built in 1897 for Mr. & Mrs. John Walter, by Hoeppner - Bartlett Company at a cost of $20,000.
Approved August Twenty-Fourth
Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Eight
??? The 1849 Ojibwe delegation to Washington, D.C. carried this pictograph depicting Ojibwe clans with their eyes and hearts connected to the chain of wild rice lakes south of Lake Superior. Drawing by Seth Eastman from Henry Schoolcraft's The In…
"The regular meeting of the Dovre Ski Club will be held Friday evening...all members must be present. The home boys have improved wonderfully and a lively contest is looked for."
???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? Eau Claire Weekly Free Press
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