Historical Marker Search

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?????Oh! "Mama Sage." It seems endless, the sage; the rolling sage-covered Wyoming hills. Sagebrush, the shrub that means survival to the world's largest populations of pronghorn antelope and sage grouse. Blown free of snow by the Wyoming winds, s…
?????At the beginning of the Civil War military strength in the West declined and often it was impossible to safeguard stages carrying the United States mail along the Oregon-California-Mormon Trail. Early in 1862 "Stagecoach King" Ben Holladay ac…
Beneath This MonumentCoal Was First MinedIn This District Site OfUnion Pacific No. 1 MineA.D. 1868Erected September 17, 1938
Buried under the streets of Rock Springs are seams of coal. In 1850 Howard Stansbury noted that coal could be found near the present town. When, in 1868, the Union Pacific Railroad built through the area, the large commercial mines opened. Number …
On June 6, 1929, the Rock Springs Coal "Welcome" sign was lit. The Union Pacific Coal Company Employes' Magazine reported it spanned the Lincoln Highway and was approximately 100 feet from the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. It was report…
About three million years ago, a volcano dominated the landscape east of U.S. 191. The powerful forces of wind and water eroded softer rocks surrounding the volcano's more resistant core, resulting in the tooth-shaped butte on the eastern horizon.…