Historical Marker Search

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[Title is text - French and Russian text not transcribed] "So that the generation to come might know, the children yet to be [balance of quote needs transcribed]
Memorial stone (placed) 1970 The translation of the Cyrillic inscription reads: Block 45 Bulgarian political prisoners of the concentration camps. From the Dachau, Radeberg, Buchenwald camps. Former students from Dresden and Bratislava. &mdash…
Camp road between blocks (stone barracks), SS photograph, 1943 ————————— Lagerstraße zwischen Steinblocks, SS-Foto 1943 ————————— [F…
This depot as used by the SS to store the civilian clothing and personal possessions of the inmates, as well as the uniforms, shoes and metal eating utensils used in the camp. The inmates were sent by the tens of thousands from the railway station…
Position of the "Goethe's Oak" ———————— Standort der „Goethe-Eiche" ———————— [French and Russian text not translated]
Storage cellar of the inmates' kitchen, built in 1938/39 ———————— Vorratskeller der Häftlingsküche, erbaut 1938/39 ———————— [French and Russi…
Photo taken secretly by the French inmate Georges Angeli ———————— Insgeheim von dem franzischen H?ftling Georges Angeli aufgenommen ———————— [Frenc…
In honour of the memory of the members of the British and Canadian Forces murdered in Buchenwald Concentration Camp. The lives of four British patriots were saved by the solidarity of German antifascists. They were all imprisoned in Block 17. &md…
No one said farewell No one erected a cross or a stone but they live as long as people remember the more than 27,000 women and girls from over 30 countries who in 1944 and 1945 were detainees in 27 outside sub-camps of Buchenwald used as slave la…
Means of punishment and work ———————— Straf- und Arbeitsmittel ———————— [French and Russian text not transcribed]