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To commemorate the repeal of the Stamp Act in March 1766, William Read deeded a small triangle of land at this site where grew the original Tree of Liberty, to William Ellery and others in trust. This tree was cut down by British occupation forces…
has been designated a————————————————- NationalHistoric Landmark————————————&md…
has been designated aRegistered NationalHistoric LandmarkUnder the provisions of theHistoric Sites Act of August 21, 1935this site possesses exceptional valuein commemorating and illustratingthe history of the United States
U.S. Department of t…
has been designated aRegistered NationalHistoric LandmarkUnder the provisions of theHistoric Sites Act of August 21, 1935this site possesses exceptional valuein commemorating and illustratingthe history of the United States
U.S. Department of t…
has been designated aRegistered NationalHistoric LandmarkUnder the provisions of theHistoric Sites Act of August 21, 1935this site possesses exceptional valuein commemorating and illustratingthe history of the United States
U.S. Department of t…
The Colony House1739 - 1776
The State House1776 - 1900
Here the Assembly met and thegovernors were inaugurateduntil 1900
"This monument is a gift to the people of the United States of America, from the Rhode Island General Assembly in conjunction with the National Committee of the Commemorations of the Discoveries of Portugal and commissioned under the auspices of …
Second Presidentof theUnited States inwhose honor thisFort was named.July 4th, 1799
The earthen mounds on this site are the original fortifications that defended Tiverton against British forces that occupied Aquidneck Island. With hand tools & human toil colonists dug the breastworks then pulled artillery pieces up the hill to th…
These fortifications erected by the British 1777 were occupied by the Americans 1778, becoming the island base of the Continental Army under General Sullivan in the Battle of Rhode Island.They are now consecrated to the immortal memory of those br…