Historical Marker Search

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Page 280 of 308 — Showing results 2791 to 2800 of 3078
A direct descendant of the Tulip Poplar planted in 1785 by our first President, George Washington, on the grounds of Mount Vernon, his home on the Potomac. More than two centuries later, the original Tulip Poplar continues to stand. Through the wo…
celebrated the Eucharist beneath this canopy in Giants Stadium East Rutherford, NJ before an assembly of 90,000 people on October 5, 1995.
Organized in 1860 as "The Englewood Presbyterian Church", the first edifice was erected on this site in the same year. It was the first church building in Englewood and the first Presbyterian congregation in Bergen County. Today's structure was bu…
Here beganThe Old Alpine Trailused bythe British troops whofirst appeared in the State of New Jerseyon the stormy nightof Nov. 18, 1776 in theunsuccessful effort ofCornwallis to interceptWashington on his wayto Trenton.
Dedicated to the gallant men and women ofthe United States Armed Forces whoparticipated in the "Battle of the Bulge,"fought in Belgium and Luxembourg duringWorld War II. The greatest battle ever engagedin by the United States Army lasted from 16De…
1786 - 1866Hero of the Mexican War
Born Nov. 17, 1788 Foxborough, Mass.Died March 31 1870 Hilton, N.J. Pioneer in mechanics : Benefactor of industry : Loved work that his fellow man might be benefited : A modest, helpful citizen of Newark: An inspiring example for young and old …
Site of the shop of Seth Boyden, versatile inventor. Among his inventions were patent leather in 1818 and later malleable iron.
American Colonel EliasDayton ordered a 4 poundcannon to fire east onMorris Ave. at theadvancing enemy. TheBritish were driven backand retreated during theevening of June 7, 1780.
American troops withdrewwest along Elmwood andMorris Avenues toward theRahway River Bridge at theSpringfield border onJune 7, 1780 after heavyfighting at the FirstPresbyterian Church.
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