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Lt. General Wilhelmvon Knyphausen led 5000British and Hessian troopswest on Morris Avenueon June 7, 1780. Hisobjective was to destroyWashington's army campedin Morristown.
The North River Bridge Co.Ground broken June 8th, 1895First foundation masonrylaid June 18th, 1895
On June 7, 1780 about 5000British and Hessiantroops invadedConnecticut Farms (nowUnion Township). Theystopped at GovernorLivingston's homelocated at this site.
Who commanded the 2nd Rhode Island Infantryat the Battle of Springfield23rd June, 1780. Headquarters, Rampaugh. 28th June, 1780.
Sir, —— The gallant behaviour of Col. Angell's regiment on the 23rd inst., at Springfield, reflects the…
Welcome to theCape May LighthouseFor some 180 years, a lighthouse beacon has stood here at the southern tip of New Jersey, guarding the entrance to Delaware Bay. The present tower was constructed in 1859. Standing 157½ feet tall, it is the th…
The First PresbyterianChurch of ConnecticutFarms was built in 1730and burned to the groundon June 7, 1780 by theBritish and Hessian army.Reverend James Caldwellwas minister.
On June 8, 1780 GeneralGeorge Washingtonestablished Headquartersat this site inConnecticut Farms (nowUnion Township) after theBritish and Hessianarmy's retreat of June 7.
Church of 1724 burned by British. Present structure, 1786. Reverend James Caldwell Pastor here, 1761-76; famed later as "Fighting Chaplin."
Site of Church used asstorehouse in Revolution.Destroyed by British inBattle of Springfield.Present church built 1791.
Near this spotstood the parsonage in whichHannah Ogdenwife of Rev. James Caldwellwas killed by a British soldier,June 7,1780.
Erected bythe State of New JerseyA.D. 1905