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In front of you is second location where the original church building stood after the Civil War. The first location was east of here and across the Civil War-era Halifax Road (now Acorn Drive). It was built around 1820 and first known as Hubbard's…
The following North Carolina units honorably and gallantlyparticipated in the action at Reams Station on August 25, 1864
InfantryLane's BrigadeSeventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-Eighth, Thirty-Third, Thirty-SeventhScale's BrigadeThirteenth, Sixteenth,…
While Robert E. Lee won the Battle of Reams Station, preventing the Federals from destroying more of the Petersburg (& Weldon) Railroad, and keeping much of his supply line intact, the Confederate victory was one in a series of tactical Southern t…
In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz south of Petersburg on a cavalry raid to destroy track and rolling…
Racing the pursuing Confederate cavalry for the safety of the Union lines at Petersburg after accomplishing most of its mission, Gen. James H. Wilson's command reached Ream's Station about 7 a.m. June 29. Two brigades of Gen. William Mahone's Conf…
Salient of Confederate LineSiege of Petersburg—————Erected Apr. 2, 1914By A.P. Hill Camp S.C.V.
Here a brigade composed of the 7th battalion, the 11th, 21st, 25th and 27th regiments South Carolina Volunteers, commanded by Brig. Gen. Johnson Hagood, charged Warren's Federal Army Corps, on the 21st day of August 1864, taking into the fight 749…
The Petersburg Railroad, sometimes called the Weldon Railroad, united Petersburg with Weldon, North Carolina. It was one of the first railroads in America, beginning operations in 1833. It carried vast amounts of cargo and passengers to and from P…
"This fort has cost more labour than any other, has afforded an admirable lesson in engineering, and is one of the sights to show to strangers. Further than this I doubt the value of its elaborateness." - Col. Charles Wainwright, USA November 20, …
After four days of unsuccessful trying to capture Petersburg by direct assault on June 15-18, 1864, Gen. U.S. Grant's Union army began siege operations against the city. Grant's immediate objective was to cut one of Gen. Robert E. Lee's supply rou…