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Front side of the Marker:
Illinois13th Infantry,1st Brigade - Woods,1st Division - Osterhaus.15th Army Corps - Blair.Back side of the Marker:
Commanded ByLt. Col-Frederic W. Partridge
With Geary's Division near Cravens' HouseFrom 3 until …
Whitaker's Brigade.Cruft's Division - Granger's Corps.Brig. Gen. Walter C. WhitakerNov. 24th, 186396th Illinois - Col. Thomas E. Champion,96th Illinois - Maj. George Hicks,35th Indiana - Col. Bernard F. Mullen,8th Kentucky - Col. Sidney M. Barnes,…
Constructed here in the middle of the 1880s was a multi-storied Point Hotel. The top of the structure reached the top of the massive rock formation in front of you, so that hotel guests could obtain the same view as that afforded from the point of…
Cobham's BrigadeGeary's Division - Slocum's Corps.Colonel George A. Cogham, Jr.Nov. 24, 1863.29th Pennsylvania - Colonel William Rickards, Jr.109th Pennsylvania - Captain Frederick L. Gimber.111th Pennsylvania - Colonel Thomas M. Walker.The 29th a…
No Union troops gained the top of Lookout Mountain during the battle. Before daylight the next morning thereafter, General Whitaker, commanding brigade in Cruft's Division of the Fourth Corps, called for volunteers from the Eighth Kentucky to scal…
Twenty Ninth Regiment,Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,Colonel William Richards, Junior, Commanding.Cobham's Brigade, Geary's Division.Slocum's Twelfth Corps.Hooker's DetachmentFrom the Army of the Potomac.Twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunte…
111th Regiment. Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry.Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Walker, CommandingCobham's 2nd Brigade, Geary's 2nd Division, Slocum's 12th Corps.Recruited in Erie, Pennsylvania, and joined the Army of the Potomac. On the 28th…
Final Union LineGeary's Cruft's andOsterhaus' Troops.
Final Line ofWalthall's and Pettus'Brigades
[Text from the First Tablet]:
Walthall's BrigadeCheatham's Division - Hardee's Corps.Brig. Gen. Edward Cary Walthall.Nov. 24, 1863, 1 p.m.24th Mississippi - Col. William F. Dowd.27th Mississippi - Lieut. Col. A. J. Jones.29th Mississippi - Col.…