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Page 3 of 54 — Showing results 21 to 30 of 540
(front)Ohio13th InfantryCommanded byLt. Col. Jos. G. HawkinsW.S. Smith's (14th) BrigadeCrittenden's (5th) DivisionArmy of the Ohio(back)This regiment bivouacked Sunday night in front of the siege guns. It advanced Monday morning, April 7, 1862, an…
(Front):Ohio1st Infantrycommanded byCol. B.F. SmithRousseau's (4th) BrigadeMcCook's (2d) DivisionArmy of the Ohio(Back):This Regiment was engaged here about 10 a.m., April 7, 1862.Its loss was 2 men killed, 2 officers and 45 men wounded; 1 man mis…
U.S.Camp of25th Missouri Infantry,Peabody's (1st) Brig., Prentiss' (6th) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.First position in line of battle April 6, 1862, 3 companies 1 mile s.w. in attack upon Confederate pickets; others at s.e. corner of Rhea Field.
U.S.23d Missouri Infantry,Prentiss' (6th) Division,Army of the TennesseeThis regiment reported to General Prentiss forduty at 9 A.M. April 6, 1862 and was engaged hereuntil 4 P.M. when it fell back 200 yards.
U. S.Camp of18th Missouri Infantry,Miller's (2d) Brig., Prentiss' (6th) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.First position in line of battle April 6, 1862, was 300 yards in front of this camp.
U.S.Army of the Ohio26th Kentucky Infantry,Smith's (14th) Brigade,Crittenden's (5th) Division.This regiment was engaged here at 10.30 a.m. April 7, 1862. It participated in the charge upon, and capture of a battery at the wheat field, fell back to…
U.S.Army of the Ohio.13th Kentucky Infantry,Boyle's (11th) Brigade,Crittenden's (5th) Division.This regiment was engaged here at 10.30 a.m. April 7, 1862. It advanced 500 yards, was driven back to this place, and after several movements it advance…
U.S.Army of the Ohio.11th Kentucky Infantry,Smith's (14th) Brigade,Crittenden's (5th) Division.This regiment was engaged here at 10.30 a.m. April 7, 1862. It advanced to the wheat field where it assisted inthe capture of a battery but being unable…
U.S.Army of the Ohio.
U.S.Army of the Ohio6th Kentucky Infantry,Hazen's (19th) Brigade, Nelson's (4th) Division.This regiment was engaged here about 10 a.m. April 7, 1862. It advanced to the wheat field where a battery was captured but soon after abandoned. The regimen…
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